The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82495   Message #1521343
Posted By: robomatic
13-Jul-05 - 06:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Waaaaay UP! To Alaska....
Subject: RE: BS: Waaaaay UP! To Alaska....
Outside FAA instructor to class:
"now the purpose of the class is to review techniques you Alaskans have for off-airport landings. are there any of you who perform these kinds of landings?"

young guy's hand goes up

FAA instructor: "young man, what kind of landings do you consider safe off-airport landings?"

"I like to put down on sandbars for fishing, fields for hunting, and clear areas to reach my cabin."

"And how do you choose a safe landing spot?"

"I look for signs of airplanes having landed there before - I like to see if an airplane is already down there?"

"And if there is an airplane already down there, you consider it safe to land?"

"Not necessarily. I always take a good look to make sure the airplane already down there is right side up. If it's upside down I don't try to land there!"