The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52618   Message #1521445
Posted By: Kaleea
13-Jul-05 - 08:30 PM
Thread Name: Jingles you remember.
Subject: RE: Jingles you remember.
I used to drive my mother crazy when I was little by singing all the jingles for most every product while we were grocery shopping. A couple of years ago I was discussing jingles with my nephew, who was 32, and asked him some of his earliest jingle memories. He remembered one from when he was a toddler & cable TV was new, the Chicago Empire Carpet jingle:

five eight eight, two three hundred, Empiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiire.

Then he picked up the phone & called them. They were some financial company & get occasional calls from people all over the country who remember the jingle.

for the Hamms jingle & other beer jingles:
(sorry, couldn't get the blue clicky to work today)

a recording of old commercials:

for a piano midi of the Hamms tune,
scroll down to bottom of page:

From the land of sky blue wa-a-ters
From the land of pines, lofty balsam,
Comes the beer refreshing,
Hamm's the Beer Refreshing".