The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82898   Message #1521494
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
13-Jul-05 - 09:56 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Slang words
Subject: RE: Folklore: Slang words
I can't help but laugh at my friend Terry's comments. Go to the English to English thread and see how many slang terms the Brits use that to our ears sound like complete nonsense. I guess someone else's ridiculous slang is your daily language.. :-)

When my friend ColK was visiting us last year, he'd get revved up and start talking a blue streak (sorry about the slang) and I'd say, "C'mon, Colin, speak English!" Which always got a laugh out of him.

Much of our accepted language was slang at one point. Does having it in the dictionary make it alright, then? Who knows, maybe slang is like folk music... it has to pass into tradition to get any respect..
