The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82943   Message #1521869
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
14-Jul-05 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: Miss Marple Saves Sidmouth! ;0)
Subject: Miss Marple Saves Sidmouth! ;0)
Quick!.....Stevie Scarlett...Where are you????

Granada TV is in Sidmouth this week, filming an episode for the new Miss Marple series with Geraldine McEwan, to be shown end of 2005/early 2006.

We've been down on the seafront watching them film today and guess what the episode is called Stevie???

Go on....GUESS???

"Miss Marple Investigates 'Who Tried To Kill Sidmouth Folk Week'"


Stevie.....Run!...Run like the wind!!

Last time I saw Miss Marple she had YOUR piccie in her hand and she was heading up towards Sidford at the speed of sound, with the entire cast and crew in her wake!!!....And....she wasn't looking a Happy Bunny as it turns out that dear old Lady in Lavendar loves folk music and dance! Her 1940's hat was blowin' in the wind and the make-up lady was having the devil of a time getting her to slow down!!

Now I don't know who tipped her off,(;0)..) but I've never seen her in such a rage and she ALWAYS gets her man Stevie! ALWAYS!!!

So...if I were you....I'd take the first boat to Cuba and lie low for a very long time!! Otherwise....she could have a 'Murder Mystery Weekend' in store for you!

I'll let you know when it's safe to return....never fear! ;0)

Lizzie ;0)

(Rolling on the floor giggling Smiley) :0) :0)