The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82882   Message #1522097
Posted By: rich-joy
15-Jul-05 - 12:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: is our Community losing to Corporation?
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
No understanding forthcoming from Our Clint :~) so I'll add this special Michael Leunig poem which sums up the issue we are confronting. (Leunig is a famous Australian cartoonist / philosopher / social commentator) :


Every night and every day
The awfulisers work away,
Awfulising public places,
Favourite things and little graces;
Awfulising lovely treasures,
Common joys and simple pleasures;
Awfulising far and near
The parts of life we held so dear:
Democratic, clean and lawful,
Awful, afwul, awful, awful. "

... and this excerpt from an excellent commentary by Steve Swayne, at our Community's website at : :

" ... Perhaps we should consider calling upon like minded people in other areas to join us in our campaign here in Maleny. The issues are not just local:
• Protection of waterways
• The rights of native animals to have viable habitats
• The rights of local communities to determine their own destiny
• The vastly inappropriate and dangerous power wielded by large corporate entities
• The lack of resolve, will, and backbone of elected representitives at all levels of government
• The decimation of local econonies by large corporate shopping chains
• The complete lack of respect for right livelihood shown by national chains such as Coles and Woolworths to our primary producers.

So, when do we make a stand on these issues, when do we say 'enough is enough'? Why not right here in Maleny? ... "

Thoreau's "When Injustice is Law, Resistance is a Duty" has become a catchcry for our campaign.

And a cautionary quote from J.F. Kennedy, regarding Clinton's preference for "water cannon and rubber bullets" :
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable".

Sad but true ...

Cheers! R-J