The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82882   Message #1522743
Posted By: rich-joy
17-Jul-05 - 02:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: is our Community losing to Corporation?
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
by Jenny Fitzgibbon (to the tune of "South Australia" )
1. A new park for Maleny town
        All the day, Here we'll stay
The platypus will stick around
        We're bound to win the day-oh

The Bunya in the breeze will sway
        All the day, Here we'll stay
And children in this park will play
            We're bound to win the day-oh

2. In peace we will defend these banks
            All … Here ...
The good police may join our ranks
            We're bound ...

3. A Woolies in this town would fold
            All … Here ...
The people here are real gold!
            We're bound ...

4. A park for parents, walking prams
             All … Here ...
There will be no traffic jams
             We're bound ...

"The Power of Song" has been used to good effect by the Maleny Protestors (aka "Protectors") in their peaceful resistance campaign to keep their town clean of Woolworths' corporate greed.
Not only do they sing to keep their own spirits up, over the long, cold nights and days, but they sing to the Police and the Security Guards, who have been visibly affected by the gentle outpouring of emotion.
Cait Devlin (who also writes many of the pieces) and Ariah, lead the varying Community members with songs, peace chants and circle dances and even Construction Company employees have been witnessed singing along from inside the fence to : "We are one heart, We are one song"
You can bet too, that the Police find themselves singing it, on their way back to their barracks!!!
And then there's the Obi anthem, the chorus of which goes :
   "So cry me a river of rainbows
    Laugh me a river of dreams
    When Sacred Bunya speaks on the Obi-Obi Creek
    We'll all come together as one."
Maleny's newly-formed "Obi Choir" meets every Sunday afternoon at the site, to sing their support and encouragement for Peaceful People Power.
Why not form your own Community's People Power Choir and
Sing Out Proud and Sing Out Loud!

Cheers! R-J

LATE NEWS : despite The Friends of Maleny INCREDIBLY raising the required A$2million dollars in 24 hours, "Woolwords" and their company goons renigged on their offer to sell and laughed in our face.
Also despite the Media GROSSLY manipulating public perception about the Maleny Community Carers - WE HAVE NOT GIVEN UP!!!