The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82898   Message #1522845
Posted By: GUEST,Azizi
17-Jul-05 - 07:55 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Slang words
Subject: RE: Folklore: Slang words

I was feelin rather alone in this discussion so let me say that it's a pleasure to meet a kindred spirit.

And in to toast this meeting, here's a children's cheer {written somewhat phonetically}:

Caller: I saidah boom chickah boom.
Group: I saidah boom chickah boom.
Caller: I saidah boom chickah bo-oom.
Group: I saida boom chickah bo-oom.
Caller: I saidah boom chickah rockah chickah rockah chickahboom.
Group: I saidah boom chickah rockah chickah rockah chickahboom.
Caller: Well, alrigh-ite.
Group: Well, alrigh-ite.
Caller: Well, Okay.
Group: Well, Okay.
Caller: One more time.


The caller then repeats the entire cheer, but usually selects a different way to say it {such as faster, or as if she [he]is mouthing words under water}. The group continues to imitate the caller.

For the record, I have seen this performed without accompanying movements {such as foot stomps] or as a foot stomping cheer [African American elementary school aged girls & boys; Pittsburgh area, 1980s to date]. I also saw it recited as a playground cheer by African American elementary school aged children on a mid 1990s TV report about integration in a midwest city [Chicago ??].


