The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82882   Message #1522850
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
17-Jul-05 - 08:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: is our Community losing to Corporation?
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
I have now received a 'Stop Shop' Alert...

Basically, in brief
Who'd have thought it could happen in our country!

Media grossly manipulates public perception about the Maleny - Woolworths affair

Laws and regulations have been broken, cover-ups are rife

Council, Law, The Environment Minister, The Premier, Police ... support Corporate wealth whilst obliterating the wishes and values of people, community and environment

Police spot many platypus by night, while burrows are being penetrated by day

Earlier, Cornerstone announced property was not for sale when Maleny was able to buy. Soon after, they sold to Hutchinsons/Uniton.

Recently, Developers offer property for Sale, Woolworths agree to consider, Maleny produces $2,000,000 in 24 hours, then Woolworths Says "NO"

[rest snipped]

If you are willing to support, then no doubt rich-joy will be happy to send you the full pamplett text.

So - why should we continue shop at that chain and associated stores?


I am reminded of an old Bumper Sticker from the 'Uncle Joh' days - and don't forget that Beattie has often praised Joh....

On a blue and white checked background
(similar to the band around the Police Caps...)

Queensland Police State