The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82637   Message #1523094
Posted By: Barry Finn
17-Jul-05 - 09:58 PM
Thread Name: Barry Finn in hospital (July-Aug 2005)
Subject: RE: Barry Finn in hospital
Thank you again for all the support, wishes, and kind thoughts. Barry was taken off the respirator the day before yesterday and has done better everyday since. He immediately began singing a song from a Tom Lewis tape that was playing. It was hysterical. He is still in the ICU, but we expect good things from here on in. He is also still a little confused, but very entertaining.

Thank you all, too, for the encouragement you have sent my way. I would love to be able to tnank you individually, but there are so many. And thanks to Mario and Jacqui for the beautiful shawl. I'm not really the type of person to say this, but when it arrived and I put it on, I literally felt a warm embrace from all of Barry's Mudcat friends. Barry is very lucky to have all of you. Justine