The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82879   Message #1523523
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
18-Jul-05 - 03:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
Subject: RE: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
Its fun to wait to the end of the thread and watch mudcatters make fools of themselves.   Last week the pundints were on TV saying that Rove was guilty of treason and should be executed.   (Hannity and Colmes)   Another on Micheal Medved said the same.   It didn't matter that he has not even been charged with a crime.   The same people who demand that Ossama get a fair trial, have convicted Rove before he has even been charged with a crime.   What pathetic losers.

A week later and now the democrats liberals and progressives all concede that there was no crime committed.   Does that stop them.   Of course not.   The lemmings go straight ahead making bigger fools of themselves.    They still demand for Rove to be castrated.   And Cheney too if they had their way.   It doesn't matter if he was involved or not.

Matt Cooper was on TV this weekend. He stated that he told Rove about Valerie.   Novac has stated the same.   Lets not let the facts get in the way however.   Cooper also said there was another source.

Any clear thinking (this lets out most of you) person would know that.   Why would Judy Miller be sitting in jail to protect her sources?   it surely wouldn't be to protect Carl Rove.   If matt and Judy had the goods on Rove why would they have not used them during the presidential campaign?

The only liars are democrats, liberals, progressives, and Joseph Wilson.   He stated on record that Cheney sent him to Niger.   Unfortunately, the facts and written documents don't back him up.   His wife sent him.   Than he lied about it over and over.   He says that Iraq didn't buy yellow cakes.   The question is not whether they bought it but whether they ATTEMPTED to buy it. British intelligence stands by their story to this day.   Who do you believe- Wilson the liar or British intelligence.

Of course to maintain her confidentiality, she does a spread in Vanity Fair.   Thats a great idea to keep you identity a secret.   If she need to remain anonamous and nobody could find her, she should have went on Air America.    Air America would be a great witness protection program.

by next week, all the politically driven get rove at any cost partisans will look even more foolish.

2006 is just around the corner. I see us picking up a few more seats.