The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16345   Message #152357
Posted By: Áine
21-Dec-99 - 07:39 AM
Thread Name: John Henry Faulk's Christmas Story- Go LISTEN!
Subject: RE: John Henry Fauks' Xmas Story- Go LISTEN!
Dear Rick,

I'm glad that you appreciate the talents of one of our most famous native sons. However, I can't let your story about the 'Liberal' Texans go uncommented on. I hope that you didn't mean to leave the impression that all Texans are ignorant, bigoted and anti-semitic, but I'm afraid that some folks could get that impression from your post.

As a proud native Texan, I just want to say the majority of people in this state are very tolerant of other cultures and religions. How could we not be, since Texas has always been a wonderful mixture of those things? That mixture of peoples and cultures is what makes Texas such a wonderful place, full of folk tales, customs, songs, music, and celebrations from all over the world. This is what makes Texans so proud of being Texans -- we're very, very proud of our state and all our people. Goodness, aren't we famous worldwide for bragging about it?

Yes, there are ignorant, bigoted people that live here, just as live in every place in the world. But, happily, they are not, and never have been, the majority of wonderful Texans that live in the Lone Star State.

Thank you, kat, for posting the link to John Henry's story. I heard the broadcast too, and it was great to hear his beautiful voice telling that story -- a story that described the charity and love of a Texan of one skin color for a Texan of another skin color.

Have a Great Big Merry (Texas) Christmas y'all, Áine