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Thread #82785   Message #1523644
Posted By: CarolC
18-Jul-05 - 06:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'The Face of 911' in London?
Subject: RE: BS: 'The Face of 911' in London?
jpk, if they were going to kill themselves before we ever started interfering with their societies and appropriating their natural resources, why weren't they all dead already before we got there? That's some pretty convoluted rationalizing you're engaging in there.

Please provide some documentation on your statement "And the US government and its allies have killed many, many more kids than any terrorists have to further their agendas."

Interesting request. I think for now, I'll just provide examples. I'm sure you won't have any difficulty finding documentation to support them. But if you do, let me know and I'll round some up for you.

- The indigenous people of the part of North America that is now the US. The government of the US is responsible for killing, in cold blood, many thousands of Indian women and children.

- Any children of African origin/ancestry who were slaves in the United States, and who died because of their captivity, were killed by the policies of the US government and its agendas.

- Any children killed by the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan.

- Any children who were killed by the US military in the wars in Korea, Vietnam, and the US bombing campaigns in Cambodia (more than a half million civilians were killed by US bombs during the bombing campaigns in Cambodia).

- Any children who were killed by any US government sponsored covert operations in South and Central America.

- Any children who were killed by proxy fighters who were fighting on behalf of the US, including any Iranian children who were killed by Saddam Hussien, any children killed by the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, any children killed by US forces in Afghanistan, any children killed by the US led invasion and occupation of Iraq.

I'm sure I'm forgetting some other examples right now, but I can post them as I think of them. I think it would be a bit difficult to find exact numbers for these kinds of things because the US government really couldn't give a poop how many children it kills and would prefer to keep the numbers left unknown. But I think it would be safe to assume that it easily adds up to more than a million in the history of the US.

Do you mean the US over its lifetime?

US over its lifetime.

All terrorists of any type?

I guess that depends on how you define "terrorist". If you're talking about state sponsored terrorism, then my statement that you quoted is rendered useless because of the fact that the US, itself, is a major sponsor of state sponsored terrorism. I also would not include genocide campaigns between ethnic groups like the one in Rwanda or the genocides in the Balkans as terrorism. Those were genocides, and have a very different purpose than terrorism.

The Turks are presently our allies ( in theory): Do you claim the 21+million Armenians killed as the responsibility of the US? How about the tens of millions killed by Stalin- He was out "ally" during WWII.

No, I do not claim that the US is responsible for the children killed by its allies (unless they do it at the behest of the US, as Saddam Hussein did). And the statement by me that you quoted does not even suggest that.