The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82895   Message #1524430
Posted By: Tannywheeler
20-Jul-05 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: grammatically correct use of ' y'all'?
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: grammatically correct use of ' y'all'?
Somewhere back in this thread is a posting about other words.
"Awl" is a tool with a point (possibly conically shaped) which makes holes--used by leatherworkers, sailmakers, carpenters.
"Yawl" is a kind of sailboat.
"Yaw" is a movement to the side, maybe arc-like; sort of a swerve--by a boat, tool that gets out of control, (maybe a person, but it would be humorously referring to them looking like an inanimate obj.).
Then there's the term "Yar" spoken by Cary Grant in the movie Philadelphia Story, with Katherine H. Used to say the little sailboat they had shared as a married couple (their roles in the movie) was, despite its size limitations, very clean, easy handling, "well-behaved"--a really good boat. Anyway, that's the way I heard that word.
Gosharoony, word fans, all y'all are just SSSSOOOOO helpful, insightful, educational. Thanks a bunch.    Tw