The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82785   Message #1524593
Posted By: Shakey
20-Jul-05 - 06:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'The Face of 911' in London?
Subject: RE: BS: 'The Face of 911' in London?
Akenaton, who are you calling a bully you little pipsqueak.

Look you've tried it on once, failed, dug yourself a hole: why didn't you stay in it?

I said that we should be proud to be a main target, I didn't say we should be happy about it. This country has a history of standing up and being counted, we'd obviously be complete history if we counted on you standing up.

We shouldn't tolerate the intolerence of these pathetic people who wish to roll the clock back a thousand years and remove our freedoms, The freedoms that many people have given their lives to protect.

You may sit in your cozy little box beleiving that really they are just misunderstood scalliwags who will all of a sudden become friendly if Isreal gives up land, the US pulls out of Iraq, Salmon Rushdie repents, we ban all film making criticising eastern culture etc etc etc.

It's not the US they hate, nor the UK, it's western liberalism.

They are fascists, not so pure and not so simple, just where do you want to draw a line in the sand, because it has to be drawn, sooner or later

AS for D & C I think sometimes they cross the line in an "attempt to rationalise their subject", in my business we have a saying "the paralysis of analysis", i think it fits them quite well but your not in their league.

Take the verbal stick or leave, it's all the same to me, your lot have no more a monopoly of passion as you do of truth.