The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82878   Message #1524905
Posted By: Terry K
21-Jul-05 - 04:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Harry Potter: Book 6 (Half-Blood Prince)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter:
I'm just glad that people are now seeing the books as what they really are, good yarns for kids of all ages. When the first one came out we had all these people telling us that the books "could be read at several levels" and were really for adults, and were so well written etc etc. At least all that nonsensical pretence seems to have dissipated and the whole phenomenon seems to be back in its correct context as "pop literature".

I'm all in favour of anything that gets people reading but let's not forget that reading only stuff that has little literary merit is a bit like teenyboppers listening to crappy pop music. Let's hope they graduate to something better, or literature will become dumbed down as much as music and television.

cheers, Terry

I just re-read that and OK, maybe it does sound just a teensy bit pompous, but I'm sure you know what I mean!