The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82873   Message #1525098
Posted By: fiddler
21-Jul-05 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: How Did You Meet Your Wife/Husband?
Subject: RE: BS: How Did You Meet Your Wife/Husband?
Which one!

Partner 1 - I met in bed - my bed - why was she there - I don't know - I was very drunk and went to sleep this took up about 5 years of my life!!!!

Wife 1 - At Uni, friend of a friend - I did a knight in shining armour thing that lasted another 8 - 10 years

Wife 2 - A Friends Party - Pure lust and love 2 Kids and 10 -11 years - the time scale keeps increasing so far!

Partner 2 - Festival 10 years B4 we got toghether - Pure love and Admiration - 6 or 7 years

All are sad losses in many different ways but an average of 7.5 - 8 years each lets see how it works with my life span I shouls have at leeast two or 3 more efforts - one long one would be nice though!!!

Those that know me know the truth in all this but, despite some of the ire and angst, I've enjoyed all of it and have much respect for all those who cna make it work on a longer term basis!