The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1525961
Posted By: Bert
22-Jul-05 - 11:35 PM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK..............?
Then why not start a UK prefix just like the BS one. Then we can have a filter so that we don't have to read about them dumb Limeys. Keep them over on their side of the pond.

No, we see many threads that could be from here or there but no one goes changing them (or adding to them). Now just where was that bell clapper? - for instance.

It would be really sad to see the Mudcat divided on us and them lines. There always has been a little confusion when reading a new thread as to know where it originated, but does adding UK to just ONE thread really help?

We have managed fine for years and have asked for locations when necessary.