The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82878   Message #1525998
Posted By: GUEST,Cluin
23-Jul-05 - 02:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Harry Potter: Book 6 (Half-Blood Prince)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter:
Gotta admit I was disappointed in this last HP book, ending-wise.

Too many loose ends.

Things were going along well, after a long slow start, but ended too quickly with too many questions unanswered, IMO as well as a disappointing climax (the "shocker" notwithstanding). There was no feeling of events of this book being wrapped up and ready to move on, as with the others.

The other books were good complete adventures which, though obviously part of a series, could stand alone more or less. This one definitely felt incomplete and a come-on to leave people panting for the final book, which everybody who has come this far was going to be in for anyway.

Still, great books, all of them; good reads. Have to suspend final judgement till the last one comes out in what is going to feel like a very long wait now. Poor kids.