The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1526196
Posted By: The Shambles
23-Jul-05 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK..............?
I prefer uninformative thread titles being made more informative immediately when spotted.

It is your preference that other poster's preferences are ignored and subject to needless impostion by anonymous fellow posters - without the originator's knowledge or permission.

It is my preference that the originator's preferences are respected and not ignored (as now) - as a matter of routine. As it should be recognised that the only contributions we have (or should have ) any control over - are our own.

But other posters can post to agree or disagree with our preferences - as we (and others) are prepared to use our names to express and publicly stand by those preferences.

But the only preferences that are sadly and rapidly beginning to matter on our forum (and which are often mow defended by them and their supportes - with insults and accusations) - are those preferences of unknown numbers our anonymous volunteer fellow posters. Whose number and identity are intentionally withheld.

Perhaps it is time for a re-think?