The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83126   Message #1526575
Posted By: Lepus Rex
23-Jul-05 - 06:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Murder of the directly linked terrorist
Subject: RE: BS: Murder of the directly linked terrorist
Ah, a Brazilian! If I'd been raised in Brazil, I probably wouldn't stop for a bunch of plainclothes goons, either...

And GUEST @ 05:40 PM, you poor, poor, thing! I bet you're just a nervous wreck, worrying about the ten million-to-one chance that your kids might be blown up on a field trip. (Never mind that they probably have a better chance of being mauled by wild dogs...) And all those inconveniences at the station! What a drag! Boo fucking hoo. Quit moaning and get over it. Your life is easy compared to that of, say, most Brazilians. You should feel fortunate that you're allowed to draw breath at all.

And, sorry, stupid, but you get to have a Muslim minority for your Empire, and you get to have a pissed off Muslim minority for the actions of your government. And don't give me that "but I didn't vote for them" bullshit. You live in a nation of people who did, and, like me and millions of others, didn't do enough to stop them. Do more next time, and worry less.

And by the way, being pumped full of bullets is slightly more serious than a "sharp kick up the rear end." This man was executed, by the police, for being fucking swarthy. In London. In 2005. This makes you feel safe? You said "I am relieved that the police at last are sending the message that needed to be sent a long time ago, that they can offer us protection." Offer you protection. Presumably, you're white, then. Because anyone darker than, say, taupe, seems to be fair game now. But, hey, at least you can sleep soundly... right?

---Lepus Rex