The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1526699
Posted By: Jeri
23-Jul-05 - 09:50 PM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK..............?
Bert, I'm not sure whether that comment about being friends with folks was supposed to sound sincere, coming as it was right before you took Shambles side without question. What the heck SPECIFICALLY are you talking about with regards to 'one particular elf'?

As far as him being singled out, it's bullshit. He's very dedicated to complaining and he's quick on the trigger. And other people who've started threads that had their titles<ammended don't seem toosee those titles as their personal property the way Roger seems to. This 'UK' and 'US' thing has been going on for as long as I've been here. I alluded to that earlier, but it doesn't seem you noticed.

There was an addition to this thread title. I've added 'UK's and "US's, although I usually add the town/city for US places because while there may be one Portsmouth, UK, there is a Portsmouth, NH, USA and a Portsmouth VA, USA and probably more than that. I've seen other people add more specific information to titles

Shambles is basically<out to get Joe and the volunteers. If you're going to believe whatever he says even though it makes some of your 'friends' look like<bigoted, hateful, small-minded<creeps, and would, in most other situations, prompt people to look for some facts and ask questions, you're probably going to have listen to some hurt 'friends'.

For the record people who<read threads and<their titles have<a right to understand. They have a right to comprehensability, clarity and accuracy, and<thread titles are not the originator's intellectual property.