The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83094   Message #1527092
Posted By: George Papavgeris
24-Jul-05 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Here we go again in London
Subject: RE: BS: Here we go again in London
Wolfgang, great post. I have nothing to say against it, and indeed the "evaluate every time" point is both well made and very valid.

But I think you could still be misunderstanding ake's stance, by equating a wish to understand what drives people to terrorism with "appeasement". I don't think ake suggested giving in to any terrorists' demands - I don't think that there have been any so far in any case, at least not from the organisations claiming to have been involved in the London bombings. Neither do I believe that his wish to understand any grievances by a section of the populace is driven by a wish to appease that section, but rather by a wish to identify and recognise any wrongs committed (or perceived) so as to be able to deal with them. And "dealing with them" can include education, better attempts at integration, and so on.

So, even while I (personally) agree with the Met's "shoot at the head" policy in these dire times, despite the senseless loss of an innocent life yesterday; even as I would not want the government to give in to any terrorist demands, if and when they come; I would still advocate a more honest review by the government of their actions to date, especially with regard to the Iraq occupation; and I would press for more understanding and integration of the various cultures living in Britain. Not to appease - but to make life better for us all.

Dogged determination that one's past actions have been all correct should not be confused for integrity; it's only bloody-mindedness; not a characteristic that makes for good neighbours.