The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1527098
Posted By: The Shambles
24-Jul-05 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK..............?

Whatever the CHANGE was - to the original thread title - the point is that the CHANGE was imposed by some anonymous fellow poster - without the named originator's knowledge or permission.

For a start - it seems pretty obvious that the respectful thing to do to any contribution invited by Max to the public discussion forum on his website - would be for any third party (no matter how well-intentioned) to either leave the thread title as posted or contact the originator and ask them for their thoughts on any proposed change.

Perhaps we can leave all of the other issues aside - and just concentrate on the reasons why it is so difficult for our anonymous volunteers to (or try to) consult the originator privately if any change is thought necessary to the thread title and why our anonymous volunteers consider that such changes always need to be imposed without the originator's knowledge or permission?

Is this really too much to ask - when our volunteers now seem expect that any concern from us should be sent in a personal message to them (or to Max)?

Mutual respect online - and the attempt to reflect the poster's wishes - has been I think a quality that our forum has been a fine example of. If this mutual respect is to be retained - and our (currently anonymous) volunteers wish to be appreciated and respected by all for their efforts - perhaps some more respect needs to be shown by them to all of the rest of the forum's contributors (whatever the volunteers personal feelings may be towards individual posters)?

A good start would be to perhaps present these fellow posters with a choice now of continuing to be a volunteer but NOT continuing to remain anonymous.