The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83126   Message #1527196
Posted By: Lepus Rex
24-Jul-05 - 03:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Murder of the directly linked terrorist
Subject: RE: BS: Murder of the directly linked terrorist
I'd expect them to act, Mick, like human beings. Use those gigantic human brains of their to think of an alternative to murder, especially after a suspect has been subdued. That's what makes us better than the vervets, Mick. These guys weren't fresh-faced rookies. They don't just hand out automatic pistols to any old cop over there... These guys were trained professionals, and they used their training to murder an innocent man. And I doubt they'll even be reprimanded.

And no, I didn't post anything about the bombings because, unlike the murder of the electrician, the bombings were the work of criminals, not law enforcement personnel. And while the bombings were condemned by pretty much everyone here, while the murder of Jean Charles de Menezes was hailed by a number of closet racists as some sort of victory against terrorism. Even after the facts have become clear, there have been statements (see post directly above this post, for starters) that he was, basically, asking for it. This is the mentality that leads to things like lynching, and I'm, like, against that, yanno?

Also, I wasn't "here" to comment on the bombings. But, to be honest, I prob'ly wouldn't have commented, anyways. A few dozen people blown up in London, while horrible, wasn't really as notable to me as the much more serious bombings in Iraq, the famine in Niger, the school massacre in Kenya, etc. The value of an English or American life shouldn't be more than that of any other life.

--Lepus Rex