The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83186   Message #1527810
Posted By: Bill D
25-Jul-05 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: This thread will fall off the board fast
Subject: RE: BS: This thread will fall off the board fast
SRS...Proxomitron supports any browser that can have proxy settings set. It's just a matter of asking Proxomitron "Hey, take a look at everything coming thru my browser and follow the set of rules *I* decide on before you feed it to me".

There are many rules in the default set, and there are links to the few guys who have made a hobby out of writing up new ones....(they are funny, complex little javascript formulas, so I would not dream of writing one myself.) It takes some experimenting to get it just like you want it, but personalization is the point. (and sometimes I have to go up and right click and tell it to bypass Proxomitron because it is blocking something I DO want.

(also sent by PM, just in case this thread drops off the bottom before, oh...2009 or so...)