The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1528615
Posted By: Wolfgang
26-Jul-05 - 08:25 AM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK......? (thread title change complain
It is your preference that other poster's preferences are ignored and subject to needless impostion... (Shambles)


it is my very strong preference that you may refrain from posting your comments into your paraphrasing of what you think my thoughts are. You're welcome to criticise my thoughts and preferences and you're also welcome to to say that my preferences lead in your eyes to 'needless impostion'.

But your addition of 'needless' is a comment within a paraphrase. I have stated my preference very clearly and I do not need you to restate it in your own words in a deliberate attempt to make my preference look stupid.

If you want to restate what you think my preference is to make clear to which understanding you respond that's fine. If you want to comment that's fine too. But when you talk to or about me do not make your frequent mistake of not separating between statement of fact and comment.
