The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83127   Message #1529433
Posted By: PoppaGator
27-Jul-05 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: 117 Degrees!!!?!?!?!....
Subject: RE: BS: 117 Degrees!!!?!?!?!....
In New Orleans, the temperature almost never exceeds 98 or 99 because of the high (90%+) humidity. We've had mid-to-high nineties over the past week or so, which combioned with the humidity makes for "heat index" readings up around 110 or more.

We've had central air conditioning in our house for just a few years, and in the summertime (i.e., April through October) keep the thermostat set at 80, which probably seems pretty high to most of you. It's actually quite comfortable, since the outside temperature hereabouts stays well above 80 all day and night, causing the A/C unit to cycle on frequently enough to keep the indoor air nicely dehumidified.

I really prefer NOT to keep the inside of the house so chilly that venturing outdoors becomes a shock to the system. I'll never understand the folks who keep their homes and businesses at about 60F in the summer, and then in the winter heat their places up to the mid-to-high-70s. Crazy!