The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83228   Message #1529636
Posted By: Bill D
27-Jul-05 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: Chord Req: Toot Toot Tootsie (from Al Jolson)
Subject: RE: Chord Req: Toot Toot Tootsie (Please dont ignore)
Bill notes that he has been chided,(and spoke up for) *grin* and that he can't control stuff in a forum like this...

He also notes that he has fervently wished for nearly 10 years now that ONE tiny little island could be reserved for traditional folk and it's near relatives. (9+ years ago, Mudcat was tiny). I know that many people are more eclectic in their tastes than I, and I sorta envy them, but I still wish there were similar forums for pop music, rock music..etc....otr that Mudcat had parallel forums that you could click on as you enter for some of the other types of music.

Sorry, chico....I am aware that you are a good guy, but being "enobled" by time doesn't change tin pan alley to folk any more than putting ice cream on sauerkraut makes it 'dessert' *big grin*

I end with a repost of a story I haven't used in several years...

"there was an old Mutt & Jeff cartoon...Li'l Jeff is on his hands & knees under a streetlight, and Mutt asks him what he is doing...Jeff says "I lost a silver dollar" Mutt gets down and helps him look for awhile...then asks "Are you sure you lost it around here?" ..."No", says Jeff,"I lost it down in the middle of the block"..."Then why are you looking HERE?", asks Mutt...."Oh", says Jeff, "the light's much better here."

so...carry on, I will take my chided self back into the shadows ...until another wave of purist snobbery overtakes me at some future time