The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83289   Message #1530181
Posted By: GUEST,God
28-Jul-05 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: GOD and the SPIDER...
Subject: RE: BS: GOD and the SPIDER...
Well, of course I have the power to be a spider. I AM everything, remember? But consider this: Nothing is real except what is eternal. What is unreal passes away. Physical bodies, including spiders' bodies, obviously pass away. They are not real. Yes, you can touch them, you can feel them, you can kill them, but they are not real. Neither is your body, although it feels real. You are in a dream. In dreams, everything seems to be very real, but then you wake up and you discover it wasn't after all. This physical life you think you are living is like unto a dream...a long dream...and in it you have many shorter dreams when you are sleeping at night or when you use your imagination. Those dreams occur in the Mental and Astral realms, non-physical realms, so the "rules", as it were, are more flexible for those dreams. The physical realm (an unreal one) is governed by much more stringent limiations, which is why you think it's real. It's very convincing.

Killing the spider does not really kill anything, but you can think it does if you want to.

You are not your body, and neither is the spider its body. You are a thought-form, and so is the spider. Thought-forms cannot die. They do not pass away, but they bring forth many transitory outer manifestations, like your body.

You will NOT stand before me answering for your sins! I do not punish nor take retribution. Why would I? Only a limited and fearful being would bother to punish, to take vengeance, or to believe in sin in the first place. Such a being cannot be described as "God" is a part of God which has completely forgotten its true nature.

You people are the ones who are punishing yourselves and each other. Don't blame me for it. I hold no grudge against anyone. Your "sins" exist only in your own fearful minds. The crazy religions that you have invented to support your fears have little to do with me, and are generally keeping you in conscious separation from me, in fact.