The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83289   Message #1530480
Posted By: Little Hawk
28-Jul-05 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: GOD and the SPIDER...
Subject: RE: BS: GOD and the SPIDER...
Yes, that is a distinct possibility. I would be sort of like John the Baptist, while Shatner would be the Big Kahuna. Wow. This could be big. Really big.

"To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before" could become the credo of an entire new step in human development.

I would also hope that the collected works of William McGonagall could be added into the holy books of the new faith, as a sort of new Apocrypha...

People could study those, and Shatner's writings and recordings, and upon that firm foundation, build a completely fresh world-view that would take us easily into the next millennium.. (did I spell that right?)