The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83310 Message #1530494
Posted By: wysiwyg
28-Jul-05 - 04:42 PM
Thread Name: Doc Watson--What do you know?
Subject: RE: Doc Watson--What do you know?
Never mind all the guitar talk. He IS a genius. But the main deal is, he's a sweetie, a fine interpreter, and walking/talking history. No one like him, before or since. If you miss seeing him now and then later hear a song of his, or see a video, you're going to cry so hard you won't believe it, that you didn't see him while you could. And he's not going to be around (in the flesh) forever. Go on behalf of all of us who would love to be there.
I was privileged to see/hear him several times, and with his son Merle. Merle's gone-- can't say what I'd have missed if I'd missed him.
GO. Go with someone you love very much, because it will be a tremendous gift, that you gave that person THE Doc Watson.