The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83322   Message #1530934
Posted By: Shanghaiceltic
29-Jul-05 - 01:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: If only this bird could post here....
Subject: RE: BS: If only this bird could post here....
I originally posted this last year, but it is pertinent to foul mouth parrots.

Shore leave for swearing parrot to spare the Queen
By Stewart Payne
(Filed: 03/03/2004)

A parrot with embarrassing table manners is to be removed from the wardroom of a Royal Navy frigate in advance of a visit by the Queen.

It is unlikely that Her Majesty would be offended by foul-beaked Sunny, and even less so Prince Philip, but Navy top brass was not prepared to take the chance.

Sunny, an African Grey parrot with its own service number of RN Parrot No 1, will be taken ashore before the Royal visit to HMS Lancaster at Portsmouth on Friday.

Had she remained, the Royal couple would have dined to a backdrop of swearwords and catchphrases, including "arse", "bollocks", "you ain't seen me, right", and "Zulus, thousands of 'em". Sunny, an excellent mimic, can also whistle the theme tune to The Great Escape.

Lt Cdr John Pheasant, logistics officer on the Type 23 vessel, said that another reason for keeping Sunny out of the way was her vicious peck, which she is inclined to unleash when her feathers are ruffled.

The Queen, who launched and commissioned the Lancaster, will dine with its captain, Cdr Paul Chivers and members of his ship's company after its return from the South Atlantic.

Sunny was adopted as the ship's mascot and during her life on the ocean waves has assembled a considerable vocabulary, most of it unrepeatable.

In 2001, when Lancaster was in the Middle East, Sunny was locked in a broom cupboard in an attempt to silence her for a visit by senior Royal Navy figures.

During a briefing the parrot, clearly enraged, could be plainly heard, squawking its displeasure in expletives from behind the closed doors.