The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81555   Message #1531180
Posted By: EBarnacle
29-Jul-05 - 10:23 AM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: My Rainbow Race (Pete Seeger)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Rainbow Race (Pete Seeger)
Pete reports that he wrote this one. In his compendium "Where have all the Flowers Gone," he reports that "I'd just returned from a [1967] tour in Japan. Early a.m., in a Hollywood motel, I pick up a copy of Variety, the enternaiment business bible, famous for headlines like 'Stix nix hix pix.'"

    "I leaf through it, see an ad from Yamaha, 'Win a free trip to Japan! World song contest! Fill out these music staves with your song and mail it in to us!'"

    "There was a page of blank music staves. I wrote the song and mailed it in. Never heard from them. But I won a prize -- a song I've sung ever since."