The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83310 Message #1531509
Posted By: Easy Rider
30-Jul-05 - 09:01 AM
Thread Name: Doc Watson--What do you know?
Subject: RE: Doc Watson--What do you know?
Doc is one of my early guitar idols. I first saw him perform in the middle sixties, and it left a lasting impression on my young mind. I've seen him perform many times over the years and always been mightily impressed, ne, awed.
I have been wanting to learn "Deep River Blues" all my musical life, and this week I finally resolved to sit down and learn it, from the TAB and video put out by Homespun. It was too hard to play years ago, but now I'm finding it pretty straightforward. Yeaaaayyyy!
You MUST report back and tell us how you liked the show.