The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83310 Message #1531557
Posted By: Zhenya
30-Jul-05 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: Doc Watson--What do you know?
Subject: RE: Doc Watson--What do you know?
I'm another long time fan. Don't know what I can add to all of the above, but I'm happy to list another concert for NYC folks and anyone else who can get here.
Doc Watson will be at Lincoln Center Out of Doors on Sat 9/3/05 at 9:00. It's a free concert, open seating.
(I tried to make a blue clicky, but this one wouldn't work - it's one of those 10 line or so addresses. Go to the site for Lincoln Center and check the calendar for Lincoln Center Out of Doors for the rest of the info.)