The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83355   Message #1531731
Posted By: Raedwulf
30-Jul-05 - 05:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mxeid Wrods
Subject: RE: BS: Mxeid Wrods
Idened! It really does work, but I wonder how much it relates to the ability to spell. My English has always been excellent (blame my parents & the house full of books...).

Is it the case, therefore, that I recognise the group of letters & infitdey (I find it a real btsarad to deliberately mispell - how the hell did Les Dawson manage to purposely misplay songs at the piano?!) the word because of that?

I read the initial post at more or less normal speed. How would a dyslexic find it? I imagine as easily, perhaps more easily (on the grounds that this is more or less normal?), as I did. But would one of the... ummm... how do I put this... the educational underclass (NB: I make no comment about their intelligence, just the fact that they don't do well in mainstream schooling) be able to make sense of it?

Phonetic & written spelling are often very different. Take "phaonmneal" as an example. Fi-nom-e-null would be a reasonable phonetic rendition. If you are not sufficiently schooled to be able to recognise the original, will you be able to recognise the "mxeid" version?