The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46202   Message #1532015
Posted By: freda underhill
31-Jul-05 - 09:18 AM
Thread Name: Love Storytelling?
Subject: RE: Love Storytelling?
I have a huge, dusty copy of fairy stories by the Brothers Grimm on my shelf - I will check it out!

Women Who Run With the Wolves is a fascinating book which examines some of the old stories, and the lessons they teach.
When i was growing up, stories by CS Lewis, George MacDonald and Oscar Wilde (the Little prince, etc) had a huge effect on me. (I wish I'd read some accountancy manuals at the same time!). In the late 70s early 80s i used to put on pantomimes for children, acted with children, versions of the old stories. The kids loved them and some grew up to pursue their own theatrical careers.

A couple of nights ago i went to the theatre and saw a play on the theme of suicide. I went reluctantly, with some friends, including a man whose son had committed suicide.

this play was very thoughtful, not histrionic, and played out a person's story over the years. It told a story, not often told, bravely, and with the purpose of unravelling threads, for those family members left behind. My friend whose son had suicided found it was very similar to his sons and his family's story.