The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83372   Message #1532153
Posted By: akenaton
31-Jul-05 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Idealism
Subject: RE: BS: Idealism
Idealism lifts our spirits.

Without some idealism we would sink into a trough of apathy and self- obsession.
Personally I believe we have to a large extent lost any sense of idealism. Contrast our youth when we felt we could make a better, more egalitarian world, with todays youth who appear generally to care only for self advancment.

The condition manifests itself in the quality of our political leaders.
In Britain today we have a leader serving a third term, who has lied to parliament and the people, taken us to war illegally and under false pretenses, by his policies has brought terrorist suicide bombers to our streets and still the apathetic allow him to retain power.

I hope the next generation, seeing our folly, become idealistic, especially towards the environment, as that is the road to a better future ...Ake