The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83373   Message #1532536
Posted By: Willie-O
01-Aug-05 - 08:07 AM
Thread Name: B.S. George W Attacks Boy Scouts
Subject: RE: B.S. George W Attacks Boy Scouts
I did my time in Boy Scouts of Canada, after the several years of Wolf Cubs. Even as a youngster I had issues with the religiosity of the outfit, but the outdoor stuff was good. Politics was not really on the radar. The quasi-militaristic basis of the organization's roots went right past me. (Scouts were a logical extension of Baden-Powell's experiences training "scouts" to help preserve the Empire in the Boer War).

Nowadays Boy Scouts is just Scouts Canada, cause girls can join. (Or they can join Guides, Brownies etc.) This does not mean that they are universally welcomed. When my daughter was 11 she expressed an interest and a local group was forming--I took her to the signup meeting and the leaders at the door hemmed and hawed and said, "well we're not sure we're even going to form a group". Later on a breakaway conservative branch formed for boys only, calling themselves Baden-Powell Scouts, with a mission to "promote the original values of Lord Baden-Powell" which strikes me as a tad on the archaic side. God, King, Country and Empire, and keeping the blackamoors seems peculiar to me how many people would like for it to be 1910 again, especially considering what started four years later. At least we have come far enough that our reaction to huge massed conflicts is generally one of revulsion.