The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1532806
Posted By: Amos
01-Aug-05 - 03:15 PM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
I believe that what is misplaced, Roger, is your obdurate ignoral of WHY these sad things happen to you and a few others.

I submit for reflection that it might have something to do with your own misplaced preoccupation with self.

It appears to me, FWIW, that while you take the position of fighting for the common good and answering to a higher call, the reality of it is that your interest lies within the perimeter of your own mind, not in fact with the best balance of operation for the community at large.

I do not mean this as abusive, although I suppose you can take it as such if you so choose. But seriously, the larger matrix of interactions amongst members, as far as I can see, is as removed from your lonely battle as the real world is removed from the belief that the heavens revolve around the earth -- it may sound like a nice idea, but it doesn't match up with experience.

I think there are real and identifiable reasons why your interactions with this system have proven to be so strangely and dramatically unfortunate, but the answer does NOT lie in the malevolence of others, or even in their negligence, but in your own appetite for the dramatic and unfortunate. Why you should have such an appetite is a question only you can answer, but the question lies squarely at your own feet.

This is the reason that so many voices on these several threads about you have sought to dampen your enthusiasm for carping and whinging about the Great Wrongnesses of the Cat.

And that, sir, is all I have to say on the matter.
