The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83310   Message #1532846
Posted By: Barbara Shaw
01-Aug-05 - 04:29 PM
Thread Name: Doc Watson--What do you know?
Subject: RE: Doc Watson--What do you know?
Doc will be at the Podunk Festival in East Hartford, CT this coming Saturday, August 6 along with Richard Watson (grandson) and Jack Lawrence, the guy who's been playing with him for years and plays Doc's style beautifully as well as being a great artist in his own right. I've seen Doc before and it's never enough. He's really a joy to hear and I look forward to another chance this coming weekend. In fact, he's one of the main reasons we're going to East Hartford, CT rather than our usual trip up to the Pemi Festival in New Hampshire the same weekend. Doc is everything they say about him, a legend, an institution and a great artist, and he's still amazing.

For those who might be interested in the CT area:

Have fun bbc. It's a pretty friendly, folksy crowd that turns out for Doc Watson, so you should enjoy yourself.