The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83383   Message #1533056
Posted By: Bobert
01-Aug-05 - 09:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rigging the Election
Subject: RE: BS: Rigging the Election
When Greg Palist brought up the fact to the mainstream press that Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris had rigged the 2000 election in Florida, the mainstream press ignored them... Some 5 motnhs later the Washington Post did runa short article on page A-17 about the evidence that Palist had tried to get the mainstream so-called liberal press to pay attention to....

If Dougie would reasd Palast's bok,"the Best Democracy Money Can Buy" then he'd know just waht went down... And he might even have a little understanding just why he doesn't know what is going down??? Fox ain't new's, Dougie. It's 24/7 brainwashing... It has nuthin' more to do with news than American Idol...

I loves ya, Dougie, but you are one *ignorant* guy...

Did you watch the entire tape that Amos put up here???

I doubt very seriously that you did...

Why? Becuase you are very comfy in yer ignorance... Hey, I don't mean that in any way to be disrespectful because lots of folks just really don't want to be bothered with stuff they don't like... Hey, that's purdy much human nature and it'as okay... I still likes ya and loves ya but you sho nuff ain't got no openess to yer mind... No judegment.... Jus' observation...

Now come on over here an' get a big hug, Big Guy...
