The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83474   Message #1535432
Posted By: Rasener
05-Aug-05 - 02:08 AM
Thread Name: Hissyfit website mysteriously disappears
Subject: RE: Hissyfit website mysteriously disappears
The plot thickens.

I only posted the 404 help info as this is normally the first port of call and where most errors occur.

However Amos & Malcolm have valid points. It is normal though to clear the obvious errors first before getting deeper. That way you know it can't be the simple ones causing the error.

My printer isn't working, what are you going to do about it?

Have you checked to see that all cables are connected properly and that the power is switched on?

No, but it can't be that.

Can you please check the cables and power switch. If it isn't that we will check other things that could be wrong.

Hang on I will check.

Bugger, somehow the power is turned off - must have been the cat. Sorry to have taken up your precious time. oooh i do feel an idiot. :-)
