The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72376 Message #1535953
Posted By: GUEST,soldier
05-Aug-05 - 05:07 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: An Irish Song (Kilkelly)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: An Irish Song (Kilkelly)
Its a ballad to remind people that hardship and heartache are often the incentive that thrust people into new lives, and new countries... I agree, overplayed the song wears, but the message is consistent and if you dont listen to it for a while so that its fresh....its not because you forgot the story... I wish people today would write ballads to their sons...and daughters to their remind them and the nation of what it takes and has taken to keep our Nation of varied cultural parents alive... To remind them that war without moral conviction, is a painful shore on which we strand a generation. And that sometimes it is the price we pay for the right to sing, and listen to "dreary" songs of a fathers love for his far away son.....