The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83579   Message #1537843
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Aug-05 - 03:43 PM
Thread Name: BS:World Conspiracy folks
Subject: RE: BS:World Conspiracy folks
"the G. Gordon Liddy look"

Woof! Now there's a wild idea. I'd do it if it wouldn't take so damn long to get the Dylan look back again. ;-)

These two young kids approached me shyly after a recent Dylan concert in Toronto, and said, "Mr Dylan, can we get our picture taken with you?" Now, obviously they knew I wasn't him (I don't look like Methusaleh with a pencil-thin mustache), but they did figure I looked like he used to look a couple of decades ago. Quite a compliment in my book!

And thanks, Carol. You are a gem.