The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83601   Message #1537993
Posted By: freda underhill
08-Aug-05 - 06:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
These images from Bobert are really subliminal hypnotic messages which he is implanting in our minds. by looking at this one (two symmetrical spinning spirals) we are being hypnotised into believing that world peace is not only possible but is happening right now. The two spirals are essential to reach both the conscious mind and the unconscious mind - if you go cross-eyed while gazing at these spinning spirals, you may have a profound insight at the point where the two spinning spirals become one.

be careful, if you watch the spirals spinning in the other direction, you may be implanted with the message that Paul Is Dead.