The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162   Message #1539143
Posted By: Kaleea
10-Aug-05 - 03:27 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Senor Don Gato
Subject: RE: Origins: Senor Don Gato
In my earlier teaching years, some of the schools had 10-20 year old sets of Music books for the elementary kids. Truth is, I didn't mind so much cause of the abundance of wonderful folk songs like "Senor Don Gato." It was such a favorite of the children that I let them sing it in more than one grade. The beginning band kids in 5th & 6th grade one year wanted to include this in their concert. It was terrific!

Stranger thing is that in rural Minnesota I took my black Lab to the local vet (coincidentally of Italian/Swedish ancestry) & his name was-- no lie!!

       Dr. Donald Gatto!
He told me that I was the first person who ever said anything about understanding his name.