The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83512   Message #1539344
Posted By: akenaton
10-Aug-05 - 08:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Was Thatcher right?
Subject: RE: BS: Was Thatcher right?
Shakibus.... As I cant be arsed going through your whole pedantic list, I'll aswer them all in one word SPIN!!   Your examples are meaningless except when studied in detail.

A typical case of facts being fixed to sit the agenda.

As an example, you cite winter payments to pensioners as something to be proud of, whereas, a true government of the people would make sure that its senior citizens received a pension that would ensure some degree of comfort in old age, rather than the pittance they receive at present.

Of course , with a bit of luck ,most will be too demented or to proud to fill in the forms for their "extras".

Go and hug you hero Blair, he loves tories masquerading as socialists.....Ake