The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83601   Message #1539355
Posted By: Bobert
10-Aug-05 - 08:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
Oh,my gosh!!!!

WE HAVE HAD A WINNER since Aug. 8th at 10:14 and the Bobert's lexdexia got holt of the boy and he never saw it until it was posted a SECOND DANGED TIME at 11:28 lass night by..... drumroll...


Yes, it is an owl's eyes!!!


And fir being the WINNER, the Bobert sends one week's worth of peace in yer life so if anyone bugs you, remind them of this proze... Might of fact, you have my permission to copy this post and show it to anyone who bugs you...

And fir all those folks who saw two holers, come on out into the sunshine but don't come too close to me until yer spend a couple hours in the shower...
