The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1539601
Posted By: The Shambles
10-Aug-05 - 02:28 PM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
So, that's the story.
-Joe Offer-

That is list of many assumptions and judgements made by one poster upon a fellow poster. Many may agree with some of Joe Offer's judgements - some (more informed) I hope will not. There are many sides to this story but the rights and wrongs of it are not important now - as this issues is now gone and should have been put behind us long ago.

But it does demonstrate the real danger when one poster feels that it is incumbent upon them to impose their judgement (for what they may honestly think are all the right reasons) upon their fellow posters. When all they may doing in reality is using their position to give vent to the personal likes and dislikes that we all have. For Joe Offer is not JUST a fellow poster and MUST be seen operate impartially – ALWAYS. That is the responsibility that comes with the rights that Joe Offer so readily assumes when he feels qualified to sit in and impose his persoanal judgement upon the rest of us.

I think that whatever claims Joe Offer may make for impartiality in his subsequent dealings with me – that   the special treatment demonstrated by our volunteer fellow posters on our forum to this individual poster - will be seen in the light of this 'story' - to be highly suspect.

It is clear that there is a personal attitude and openly displayed dislike of me in particular - that makes it impossible for Joe Offer to give the equal treatment to all posters on our forum that any holder of a responsible position must be seen to do.....

It matters little if you share Joe's obvious personal dislike of me or if you think that I show equal dislike of him. I try my best not to let this influence my thinking. But given Joe Offer's role – it must be faced and accepted that our forum has different expectations of the two of us. I am just a fellow poster. Hopefully Joe Offer- having now with this story - clearly demonstrated his inability to remain and operate in the required impartial manner - will return to being just a fellow poster and we can both then disagree on equal terms?